Sweet Spencer is here. It's amazing how even though he is my largest baby, he seems so very tiny now. He's precious and wonderful. And in the words of my sweet husband, "It's unfair to the rest of the world that we have such beautiful children!" LOL! He's really amazing though, I could just sit and stare at him for ages. It's a good thing Fred is home this week, giving me lots of "stargazing" time.
This is a short post, but here are the objects of my affection:
The kids all came to the hospital and were arguing over who got to hold him. Finally Fred said, "He's ours, he'll come home with Mom and we get to keep him forever!" Here's Sage and little Spencer (looking a little elfish, with his ears poking out from his hospital cap)...
Trey and Spencer...
Adam and Spencer...
Sabrina and Spencer...
And a darling shot I took yesterday of Sabrina and Spencer loving their little brother...
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Welcome sweet one!
Posted by
7:51 PM
Thursday, May 21, 2009
One benefit of a late baby...
I'm ready to have little Spencer on the outside, in my arms. Everyone keeps telling me how pleasant and happy I am, even though he's overdue. I think it helps that I knew he would be. Or I thought he would be, at least. With my other kiddos coming late, I figured I just cook them long, and have always counted on that. But, I'm ready. And luckily, I'm about done. Unless something goes crazy and happens tonight filling up the maternity ward tomorrow (or I happen to go into labor in the next 12 hours or so), I'm going in tomorrow morning to be induced. With any luck, they'll only need to break my water. Keep your fingers crossed for me, I'd like to avoid the pitocin if possible.
But back to the point of this post. There are benefits to being late. You get more time to finish projects! I have a baby book about 1/3 of the way scrapped, using Janet Phillips' Nine Months and Counting templates. I'd link you up, but she's not selling anymore that I can tell. I got a new kit all finished and in the shops, Pinch Hitter... full of fun and interesting elements and papers for scrapping those Little League photos, or the vintage photos you have kicking around from when you were a kid, playing America's favorite pastime. And just a few minutes ago I finished a cover for over Spencer's carseat. It's a modified version of this KwikSew pattern.
I had actually made one a couple of weeks ago, the first I'd ever done with a woven fabric on the outside. Usually I make them with fleece out and flannel in. But since I'm having a May baby, that just seemed WAY too hot. It turned out really fun and funky, out of a fine cord that had a distinctly Joseph's coat-of-many-colors feel. And I never took a picture because, um, well, I just never got around to it... figuring I had plenty of time. But then there was a baby shower for a gal at church and when I didn't get hers finished in time (long story, but it involved ripping off a toenail... OUCH!), I gave her mine. So today, finally, I finished up that one for Spencer. It's much more tame, in a chambray and flannel. But still cute and great for summer. I considered not making one, since it would be summer for most of the time he's tiny, but having had them for 3 of my other 5 kids, I decided it was a necessity. It's so much easier to keep the rain off, and let's face it, even though it's late May, this is the Pacific Northwet, I mean west. They stay on, when it's a little windy or a baby starts kicking, unlike the most well-placed blanket, and... ***drumroll, please*** they keep random strangers from touching your precious child! Woohoo
Ok, so I've rambled on enough. Here are some photos of my new kit and the carseat cover. Enjoy!
Pinch Hitter, available at both DigitalFreebies and FaithSisters. 30% off at DF until Monday.
Full kit...
Carseat cover closed...
and open...
Posted by
5:39 PM