Guess from the title, what my newest kit was inspired by? Just in case, here are a few pics to show you...
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Making Applesauce
Posted by
11:58 AM
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer true!
I can't see a "bicycle built for two" without thinking of this song.
And the response verse of this old song has always made me laugh.
I'm not sure why, but I've thought it was funny since I was a little girl.
Harry, Harry, here is your answer true.
I won't marry such as the likes of you.
It won't be a stylish marriage
And I shall have a carriage.
You won't find me upon the seat
Of a bicycle built for two.
Silly, I know.
Daisies are my favorite flower though, hands down.
And after coming round a corner on the way to town and finding the most beautiful sight of daisies almost as far as my eyes could see, I stopped for LOTS of photos and started on this kit. I hope you love it as much as I do. (Notice the bicycle?)
Here are the fun papers...
And the little alpha (part of the kit, or like the papers, also available individually)...
And a few LOs to spark your imagination...
Posted by
9:25 PM
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Fly Away & Bumbershoot &Into the Woods
It's abundantly clear that I'm a horrible blogger. But I really have started a number of posts since April and either something came up, or blogger glitched and I got frustrated.
So here are a few things that I've done since April...
Bumbershoot (another word for umbrella) came about because we had a rainy spring that seemed to last forever, and I needed something to cheer myself up. I especially love the frog, I just had so much fun drawing him!

The papers...

And a little inspiration...

Fly Away started as a mini kit for Inspiration Lane's daily download. But I loved the colors and decided to make it a full kit...

The papers...

And a fewLOs done with it...

I also re-released Spangled, one of my favorite kits. I went through it with a fine-toothed comb for quality control, took out a few dated elements and papers that weren't up to par and added some new, great ones. I hope you love it as much as I do...

The papers...

And the best-selling alpha...

A little inspiration...

And now the sneak peek, and a special code for you...
This is "Into the Woods," inspired by our recent family reunion. I am absolutely in love with it! It releases on Saturday at Inspiration Lane.

The papers...

Another peek at the papers...

And finally, the code for you... DielleIs39. Yep, I'm not just saying that to hide my age, I really am turning that old this month. So that code is good for, you guessed it, 39% off everything in my store, through the month of August. I hope you find something you really love, to scrap your art and memories! Enjoy!!!
Posted by
11:02 AM
Friday, April 23, 2010
Flittery steps... er, I mean Flittery and First Steps
I have a new kit out, called Flittery. See those fabulous, painted butterflies? Sage painted them. Then I scanned them in and based the kit around them. I love how it turned out!!! You can get it in individual paper, element and alpha packs, or as a combined kit (to save $!). Oh, and check out a few great layouts created with it. And today, in honor of the fact that my baby boy took his very first steps yesterday, I'm handing out a coupon code for 30% off (use it on anything in my store). Code is FlitterySteps, good through Monday.
And my cutie...
Posted by
12:15 PM
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Coming soon...
Become a fan of mine on Facebook, and you could win it before it's even out in stores. I'll randomly pick a winner, this weekend.
Posted by
3:20 PM
Out for a Drive
Do you have a zillion photos of road trips, go kart races or your children's Hotwheels? Bright and playful, here's the perfect kit for you! I actually released this last week, but that same day one of my 4 year olds dumped water on my router, screwing things up with my ability to get online. So it's a tad delayed. Since I didn't post about it in time to get it at the new release price, here's a coupon code to pick it up for 40% off. DriveAway40 Grab it quick, the code is good until Saturday night.
And the included alpha:
Here are a few layouts done with it. Aren't they fun?
Posted by
12:10 PM