But I probably wouldn't fly away into the woods on a bumbershoot.
It's abundantly clear that I'm a horrible blogger. But I really have started a number of posts since April and either something came up, or blogger glitched and I got frustrated.
So here are a few things that I've done since April...
Bumbershoot (another word for umbrella) came about because we had a rainy spring that seemed to last forever, and I needed something to cheer myself up. I especially love the frog, I just had so much fun drawing him!

The papers...

And a little inspiration...

Fly Away started as a mini kit for Inspiration Lane's daily download. But I loved the colors and decided to make it a full kit...

The papers...

And a fewLOs done with it...

I also re-released Spangled, one of my favorite kits. I went through it with a fine-toothed comb for quality control, took out a few dated elements and papers that weren't up to par and added some new, great ones. I hope you love it as much as I do...

The papers...

And the best-selling alpha...

A little inspiration...

It's abundantly clear that I'm a horrible blogger. But I really have started a number of posts since April and either something came up, or blogger glitched and I got frustrated.
So here are a few things that I've done since April...
Bumbershoot (another word for umbrella) came about because we had a rainy spring that seemed to last forever, and I needed something to cheer myself up. I especially love the frog, I just had so much fun drawing him!

The papers...

And a little inspiration...

Fly Away started as a mini kit for Inspiration Lane's daily download. But I loved the colors and decided to make it a full kit...

The papers...

And a fewLOs done with it...

I also re-released Spangled, one of my favorite kits. I went through it with a fine-toothed comb for quality control, took out a few dated elements and papers that weren't up to par and added some new, great ones. I hope you love it as much as I do...

The papers...

And the best-selling alpha...

A little inspiration...

And now the sneak peek, and a special code for you...
This is "Into the Woods," inspired by our recent family reunion. I am absolutely in love with it! It releases on Saturday at Inspiration Lane.

The papers...

Another peek at the papers...

And finally, the code for you... DielleIs39. Yep, I'm not just saying that to hide my age, I really am turning that old this month. So that code is good for, you guessed it, 39% off everything in my store, through the month of August. I hope you find something you really love, to scrap your art and memories! Enjoy!!!